FAME International College Basketball Club successfully organised an Under 20 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament on 29 February, 2020 at Arang Road Basketball Court. This tournament attracted a total of 32 teams from various schools, including Polytechnic Kuching, Chung Hua Middle School No.1, No.3, and No.4, SMK Jalan Arang, St Joseph International School, SMK Batu Lintang, SMK Padungan, SMK Kuching Town No.1, SMK Green Road, Sunny Hill, Tunku Putra International School, SMK Tarat, SMK Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Gapor and other schools.
The Basketball Club committee put in a lot of effort in preparing for this event. President of FAME Basketball Club, Khoo Yik Hock, expressed his gratitude for the support from all, especially the mentors and FAME International College management. He also thanked the organising committee for their hard work and cooperation. The organising committee also learned valuable experience from this tournament. He hoped that the spirit of “Basketball” can attract more teams to participate in the next tournament.
The players showed their extraordinary skills in the championship. The champion of this tournament was 0824 team formed by Polytechnic Kuching and SMK Green Road, First and second runner up was won by teams from Chung Hua Middle School No.1. The organiser hopes to host a women’s group competition next year to further promote the basketball sport and also promote a healthy social lifestyle to the community.
FAME国际学院篮球社在二月二十九日假四里半篮球场所举办的二十岁以下三人制篮球竞标赛获得圆满结束。此赛事共吸引了来自各源流学府32支队伍参与,包括古晋一中,三中,四中,SMK Jalan Arang, St Joseph 国际学校,SMK Batu Lintang, SMK Padungan, SMK Kuching Town No.1, SMK Green Road, Sunny Hill, Tunku Putra 国际学校, SMK Tarat, SMK Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Gapor 等校。
篮球社委员们花了不少心血在筹备此项活动,篮球社社长邱亦福表示非常感激各界的鼎力支持,尤其是导师及 FAME 国际学院管理层还有场地供应让此赛事成功进行。他也非常感谢委员们的努力与配合,从此赛事中也学习了宝贵的经验,希望能“以球会友”的精神能吸引更多队伍参于下届的赛事及办的更好。
球员们展现了浑身解数呈现精湛的球艺以角逐此项赛事的冠军。最终此赛事的冠军是由古晋技术学院及 SMK Green Road 所组成的 0824 队,而一中队包办了亚季军。主办方希望明年能举办女子组比赛以进一步推广篮运及提倡健康社交生活。